Little Girl and her cat.

What on earth is a painting of a little girl doing among all my wildlife paintings it seems a little out of place.Well you see this painting was done 3 years ago while I was staying in South Africa .I was staying in a small town called Montagu ,where I continued to paint.But I quickly found out that the local people were not very interested in buying paintings of lions or elephants.So I had to change my subject matter and paint things that were around me like the people ,farms, houses etc.So that's how this little girl came along together with her cat.It was one of those paintings I really liked and almost kept however someone liked her and so it found a new home.

Children paintings


Roger, though not your usual subject matter, it is lovely nonetheless!
martinealison said…
Je suis certaine que cette adorable peinture fait la joie de ses acquéreurs... Je l'aime beaucoup. Elle est pleine de douceur... Une peinture intime... merci de nous faire découvrir une autre facette de votre talent.
gros bisous
Roger Brown Art said…
Thank you all for your comments they are much appreciated.

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