Small paintings now available


Hi! Hope you are all doing well. I have a number of smaller paintings that are available,if you are interested in purchasing these original oil paintings, you can access  them via the following link.Roger Brown Dailypaintworks Most of these are between $60-$100 and I personally ship them via DHL together with a tracking number.

Below is my Social Media contacts. 




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martinealison said…
Bonjour cher ami,
Je pense ne pas être la seule à avoir délaisser peu à peu les blogs, j'essaie de faire vivre le mien, plus au même rythme toutefois.
Aujourd'hui, je constate que cela me manque...
C'est un véritable plaisir que d'admirer vos dernières oeuvres.
Facebook est un excellent support, soit mais ne remplace pas la belle intimité des blogs...

Gros bisous,
Roger Brown Art said…
Very True Martine Alison .It seems I still get some people visiting the blog and asking why there are o updates so once in a while I will try to update it. I also find Facebook is an excellent way to get your artwork seen by many more people.

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